Sunday, April 17, 2022

Copy Saved PuTTY Sessions from One Computer to Another


I needed to move all my saved sessions from my main PC to my laptop. Instead of recreating them one by one I decided to dig around and see where PuTTY saves it's sessions to.

Fortunately they are saved in the Windows Registry and a quick export and import on the new machine is all that's needed.

  1. Press the Windows key and search for "regedit.exe" on the source machine.
  2. If you're on Windows 10 you can paste the following link into regedit, "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SimonTatham\PuTTY".
  3. Right click on the tree named, "PuTTY" and select "Export".
  4. Save the file with a memorable name and to a location that you can use later to recall the saved .reg file.
  5. On the target computer recall that .reg file.
  6. Make sure PuTTY is not open. If it is, close it.
  7. Double click on that .reg file and select "Yes" to merge the file with the current registry.
  8. One that file has been imported open PuTTY and check that everything looks as it should.
  9. IMPORTANT - If you have saved certificates they will point to a location on the previous machine. You should copy them over with the same file name and folder structure as on the source machine.


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